Thank you all so much for supporting me financially. I am almost to my goal for the year!!! I only need to raise another $4,925.00!!! Thats it!!! Our God is so faithful to us. I didnt know where this money was going to come from when i started off on this year long journey. But, i knew this is where the Lord was leading me and that He would provide through His people. I am praying for the Lord to bless you 10 fold for blessing me the way you all have! I love and thank you all!

Continue to pray for health and team unity as we head down to Nicaragua on saturday. We will be there for only a few short days as we debrief as a whole. We then race down to Peru. Pray for safe travels and that noone gets their luggage lost. We are talking about 50 people with a lot of exspensive toys and gear.

Keep the WorldRace staff in prayer as well. There are many changes happening and they are under a lot of stress right now. We need to lift them up and encourage them, not beat them down and criticize. They are doing their best to make this the best experience they can for us!!!

As Iron sharpens Iron