It was 10pm last night when i took the train down to the red light district of Bangkok. Hookers lines the streets. White business men were hand in hand with asian women. Headed off to some hotel looking for someone to show them some attention. One of the things I noticed was as I walked around, i tried to look these men in the eyes. None of them would make eye contact with me. All they could do was hang their heads in shame of what they were doing.

It was easy for me to judge these guys for what they were doing. Thinking to myself, “What a bunch of scum bags!”

But it was then and there the Lord began to poke me. “Josh!” How can you judge this man for what he is doing when you have said “this” or thought about “that?” I immediately remembered how ALL sin is equal in God’s eyes. No matter weather I kill someone or steal something. No matter wether I sleep with a hooker or spread gossip, its all the same. Sin is sin. We are ALL sinners. God doesnt rank it. But, He does forgive and forget it.

So, my eyes were opened up to loving the people all around me no matter what they are doing or have done. God shows us grace, mercy, and forgivness. Why can’t we show that as well?

“Before we show our brother the splinter in his eye, we must first remove the log from ours”

(these pictures were taken by Julie Lortz)