What an amazing place. This is a must see before you die! I cant say too much about this place. You have to see it to experience its full beauty. Here are a bunch of pics though. Enjoy!

here is the train we took to Machu Picchu

We hiiked to the top of this peak for an amazing view of the Andes and Machu Picchu!

We just climbed down from there!!

This is what we saw on our way home out the window of the train!! Snow capped Andes Mountains!!

And of course i had to try on the Alpaca or Llama hat in the gift shop before we left Machu Picchu!

We are headed to London on May 1st. And then on to South Africa on the 2nd. We are going to be doing disaster relief in Mozambique. Please be praying for us all. We are going to be in a high malaira area. We need health and strength for this is going to be a physically and spiritually draining month.

I love and thank you all for your prayers!!!!!!

As Iron sharpens Iron
