We had just crossed over into Swaziland yesterday evening. It was about 4:45 pm. And in the winter, that means the sun is about to set in Swaziland. So there we were driving down the highway. Beautiful scenery on either side of the bus. When i look to my right, there is a huge orange sun setting. You know, the kind that looks like it should be in a cartoon because its so huge. When i looked to my left, there was a huge full moon. You know, the kind like you see a witch fly across. Both of them were at the same level on the horizon. I had never seen anything like this in my life. It was breathe taking. You were constantly looking from the left and to the right, trying not to miss either. It was a real strugle to decide wich one you were going to give more attention to. I decided that since the sun was on its way out, i would focus more on it. Hahahah.

God. The way He grabs our attention. The way He blesses us through His creations. The way He loves each and every one of us. I will never fully grasp any of it.

We love you and we thank you Lord God!!!!

I wish i had a camera that could have captured the picture the Lord showed us yesterday as we traveled into Swaziland, Africa.

As Iron sharpens Iron
