I have been kind of added into this “Seth Barnes Book club,” if you will. Seth hands his books down to Scott and then Scott flips them down to me. This is good because if the book sucks, it has been filtered through two men of God, which in turn only allows me to get the good stuff.

So, I find myself reading a book called, “Adam’s Return,” by Richard Rohr. I don’t totally agree with everything talked about in this book but the thoughts on initiating young men are right on line with what John Eldredge talks about in Wild at Heart.

Rohr talks about how some people stumble on to their bigger vision through reading about a Saint or a Hero or maybe a friend or mentor that has invited them into their bigger vision.  He goes on to say that the lack of exposure to real depth makes most people vulnerable to cheap religion, cults, and crowds as a substitute for largeness, hoping for salvation from their jobs or companies, or selling their souls for fame. All of which will die and eventually disappoint.

Most of our visions and ideas that we get, should be prayed about and then chased. Seth Barnes spoke the other day at debrief about being afraid to fail at things. If you are affriad, then you will stay captive in that box forever. Thomas Edison failed thousands and thousands of times before he finally invented the light bulb. If he would have let the fear of failing overcome him, then we would be living in a dark world.

When we recieve visions and dreams, we should pray that if it is of God, then He will begin to birth it inside of you and open the right doors for it to bloom. God doesn’t want to see us fail but sometimes He allows it so that we we can build our faith. The trials and failures we endure from day to day will only make us stronger and better.

When God is for you, who can be against you? Just take a running jump and leap for your vision. If you fail, dust yourself off and jump again!

Zechariah 10:1-5

As Iron sharpens Iron
