Usually when you think of fighting spiders, you think of this:

Well, have I got the thing for you! Go out into the jungle and find two fat spiders. Not the little ones, they have to have fangs. Then bring them together  on a stick. Stand back and watch them fight to the death!

So, the kids in the slums, love this. They carry their spiders around in boxes. Just waiting for someone to challenge them. Its the latest craze.

So, hating spiders, like I do, I manned up and got close enough to watch two battle it out.

These little guys are not affraid of anything. They would let the spiders crawl all over them. It made me feel like a wimp.

Things are going well here in the slums of Manila. We leave the slums tomorrow. The way these people live their lives everyday, has surely made me appreciate everything I have been blessed with.

As Iron sharpens iron
