I have had one of the most amazing months up in the foot hills of the Himalayan mountains here in China. All we had to offer China was prayer, worship, and simply loving on the people. As many of you know, Christianity is a big no no in China. We were not allowed to share our faith unless they asked us a question about it first.
    It took the Lord working on me and stripping me of garbage all year to finally get me to a point to when I pray a prayer, I know without a shadow of a doubt, God hears it and will honor it. My faith is finally at a level to where I know that I know that I know my prayers are effective when I pray over cities and people groups.
    So, since all we have is prayer for China, I will be eating with chop sticks from November 20th to December 20th. No matter where I’m at. At a restaurant, yep…Chop sticks. Thanksgiving dinner…yep…chop sticks. The only time i can eat without them is if its a hamburger type food or cereal in the morning. It will allow me to pray for China and the people of China every time I eat. And it will spawn questions at restaurants too.
    Thank you all so much for your prayer and support this year. I couldn’t have done it without you all. 
I will also be keeping you all informed with what comes next in my life. I will keep a blog going and will keep you all updated if you would like. If you continue to get it and you would like to be removed, just ask. I will take you off.
If you would like to join me in my month of Chop sticks, let me know and I will get you a pair of chop sticks. Or you can go to your local Chinese restaurant and get a pair for free. Together, our prayers will help Change China and advance the Kingdom!

I love you all!
As Iron sharpens iron