I have been feeling a little under a spiritual attack lately. I was talking with Chris Telfer the other day about how I havent been in the Word lately. It was really beginning to weigh me down.

The village that we are currently in is a very oppressed place. It is under major spiritual attack. There are many people with deomons in them. The only life in this whole village is in the children.

On Wednesday evening, I was standing in the back during worship time. I closed my eyes and started to pray. I asked Him to come into my body and show and tell me what I am supossed to be doing here in this village.

As I opened my eyes, I saw all of the children being held. They had been restless all day. It was then when I recieved a word from the Lord. He said:

The one thing we are here for is to love on one another. If we do nothing else, He will be pleased. These péople will see Gods love when they see us love on the unlovely.

The United States is such a fast paced place. We have to light our selves on fire just to get thier attention. Out here, God can be shown just by showing someone you love them.

After God spoke that word to me, I opened my Bible and He took mestraight to a verse i had never read.

Galations 5:13   For you were called to freedom, only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love- serve one another.

We are not on this WorldRace for a vacation. We are put in each city for one thing- to love the unlovely. God told me if we do that one thing all year, He will be pleased.

The world is a much better place when you begin to see it through Gods eyes.