For the past 4 days, Annie, Tim and I have stayed at Shakwaru Game park.  At this park, you can see many big game. Such as Giraffe, Buffalo, zebra, wart hog, tons of monkeys and babboons, and many many more.  You can hunt many game here as well as go on safaris. This is a christian owned place. All of the proceeds go to help orphans. Clothe them with new clothes and new shoes. We have had the liberty of handing out many of these items to the orphans in the area as well. They were all so excited to get to choose the clothes and shoes they liked. Almost like letting them go to the store and pick anything. What a blessing. They also have a feeding program called, Kids Against Hunger. A semi truck showed up the other day at Shikwaru and 5 of us unloaded this thing. It was 20 pallets with 77 boxes of soup mix. Each box weighing in at about 40lbs. That is about 20 tons and around 1500 boxes. We unloaded each by hand. One by one. It took us about 4 hours to get it all unloaded. It was food that was all shipped over from the States.  It was nice to see that the things we give and the money we give to orphans from the states, actually makes it here! It was enough food to feed 300,000 people. AMEN! I had the privilage of carrying off the very last box. I tell you what, my muscles were aching this morning when I woke up!

Look at the end of that truck… thats me. Thats a big freakin’ truck!

I hope and pray that many of you are all doing well. I will be home in about 4 months. We start debrief on July 24th. Then its off to Thailand on the 1st.

I miss you all so much! God bless every one of you!

As iron sharpens Iron
