Thailand, here we are! Wow it is hot here… Well, actually it can be way worse, but it is the hottest place we’ve been yet!
The food is AWESOME!
I think it is by far the best food I have ever had! It is very quickly becoming my favorite…=D and the thai, mm, so good~ Here is a picture of us drinking this delicious tea, along with our awesome contact for this month, Pastor Wason..

He is so great and hospitable. For ministry this month we are teaching English,

and doing some landscaping for a community center.
They are very excited for us to teach, and have opened it up to us teaching other classes as well! So please pray for creative vision for this month, in how we can teach them!
We are in southern Thailand in an area just outside of Khao Lak. The Christian ratio is 1%, so this is a month where we definitely want our main focus to be on spreading the Gospel to these unreached people. Many of them are Buddhist, and a small group are Muslim. As we walk by houses we see shrines with food offered to these false gods.
Spiritually this is a very dark place. Please pray that God uses us to reach these people! God, may your Spirit fall on this place..
To end on a better note.. Here is a picture of something we just happened to see while driving down the rode!
You know, just a man, talking on his cell phone while riding on an elephant!