To our super amazing supporters, 

We just wanted to pause and take a couple minutes to say an overdue thank you to our supporters. 

Your finances have helped launch us to the field several times now and we couldn't be more grateful. We have seen over 3,000 teens mobilized, over 1,200 World Racers get to the field, and hundreds of families sent out for short term efforts.  Over this past year we've been to Guatemala and Cambodia bringing missionaries to the filed and have seen God work in their lives in awesome ways. You have helped us care for orphans, build relationships with other missionaries abroad, encourage the global and local church, launch missionaries full time to the field, train up and equip those desiring to go to the field, and so much more! Even as we write this we are at a World Race launch where another 200+ racers are going to the field to bring Jesus to the nations! It's amazing to see all that God has done over these past years. 

We want you to know your investment in the Kingdom has not returned void. Bri and I have been able to be a part of incredible mission efforts that we never would have dreamed of and it has been through your love, prayers, and generous giving. Thanks again for sowing into our lives and believing in us as we seek to follow God in all he has called us to. 

Please keep in touch with us! We love hearing from our supporters. 
Feel free to email, Facebook, or even give us an old fashion phone call! Click "Subscribe" to this blog and keep up to date with us. We will be trying to post 2 blogs per month. We love comments and little notes of encouragement. Looking forward to hearing from you! 

Grace and Peace,

Josh, Bri, and Ezra