“Stand still” – keep the posture of an upright man, ready for action, expecting further orders, cheerfully and patiently awaiting the directing voice; and it will not be long ere God shall say to you, as distinctly as Moses said it to the people of Israel, “Go forward.”
If the Lord Jehovah makes us wait, let us do so with our whole hearts; for blessed are all they that wait for Him. He is worth waiting for. The waiting itself is beneficial to us: it tries faith, exercises patience, trains submission, and endears the blessing when it comes. The Lord’s people have always been a waiting people-
Charles Spurgeon
I have been in what seems a very long season of waiting. Waiting on promises that I felt the Lord specking.
My heart longs to receive what God has for me, but He has been asking me to wait for His perfect timing. Have you ever found yourself in a longer season of waiting and some days find it hard to have faith in the waiting?
I am currently there. For some reason today has been hard and I can’t help but feel crazy and hopeless in what I’ve been believing for so long. I been in a season lately where Gods hand has been heavy on me, He’s been asking for me to walk in forgiveness towards others and on the days that I find myself walking that out strongly happens to also be the days that I have the most doubt.
I know God is teaching me things that I need to understand and walk in a healthy spirit in and I am so grateful that the Lord cares about the small things in my life that cause big issues in my walk. He cares enough to not let us sit for to long in the areas of our lives that cause us to stumble.
Proverbs 18:10
The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.
It can be so easy to give into worry, fear and despair, but with Him we can find strength, and look forward to wonderful things. He gives us hope!
Well, I’m trying to remain hopeful for the future that He’s put on my heart. But today I haven’t felt hopeful. I’ve felt discouraged. Its really easy peer into the lives of others and covet what they have. Especially when your heart desires so deeply some of the things that seem to be just be handed over to others.
I’m 32 and I feel so behind. The lord has placed a calling over my life and that also includes marriage. It can be difficult to trust in the Lords provision sometimes, especially if you feel like you don’t add up or aren’t attractive in the worlds standards. Today that’s how I’ve felt. Not good enough. Undeserving of love and companionship.
You know these blogs often have hard things spoken in them but in the end they tend to finish on a high note.
Sometimes that’s not the case.
David wrote a good bit of psalms and some of them were just him expressing the agony of his heart. Not all the psalms ended with encouragement. And that’s where I’m at today.
I want to believe so deeply the promises of God and I want to be patient on waiting for the Lord. However, find myself wanting to work out on my own how to receive the promises of God over my life. And I know that’s the wrong way.
How can you find hope in difficult times? Stand in God for He will be with you now and forever. He stands you up, He watches over you and He shields you. Do not be afraid for He is the never ending source of your strength.
John 15:5
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
Jesus says that apart from Him, we can do nothing. We need to lean on Him for help with everything in our lives.
I need to trust HIM. DO YOU?
Psalm 9:10
“Those who know your name trust you because you have not abandoned any who seek you, Lord.”
When we seek God and His goodness He keeps His promises.
I know that the lessons that the Lord is teaching me through this season are real. And more importantly they are having lasting impact in my day to day life. God is driving my decisions based around faith! All I want to do is please Him, not because I have to but because I want to. My life is filled with issues. But is the Lord so far that His redeeming hand can’t deliver? Even writing this blog now, I find hope of a future.
I am worthy
I am loved
I am fully known by the One who writes my story
I am called
I am redeemed
I am chosen
I am not forgotten and the Lord is not delayed in His fulfillment of His promises.
The real question that I’m asking myself now is.. How long will I keep hope?
We run to the Father because He loves and cares for us so deeply, and when the world rejects me or casts me aside I still have hope. Why?
The Father is ever near to those that seek Him and we are made fully known by the grace of His goodness. I promise this.
Life will always be hard and never with out it’s challenges but fear not! Jesus, overcame it all. On that cross He bore the weight of all our transgression and Died so that we might have peace.