So next week on Wednesday Oct. 7th I will be flying out of Grande Prairie and traveling to Georgia where the Adventures in Missions base is. For the first 3 days I will be doing a hike with just the guys. I am excited about this since it is 1. All guys and 2. I didn’t get to go camping at all this past summer. I love camping and hiking in God’s beauty. This will be a great time to meet the guys I will be traveling with throughout the 11 months.

After the hike, I begin the week of “Training Camp”. This is where all the people leaving in January will meet up and get trained for our next coming year together. We will be trying weird food, having cold showers, staying in our tents, worshiping, getting orientated on all we have to know and much more.

I will be returning on Sunday, October 19 in the morning. I will get back in time for Sunday morning church.


Things have been getting kinda crazy lately in my life. At work I have been having difficulties remembering all my responsibilities. This has made for some tough days mentally. I work 10-12 hour days and this past month I have been working Saturday’s as well. So 6 days a week. By the time I get home, it is late and I have little time to get much else done. Needless to say, I am excited to take a week and a half off of work for some well needed rest.


I could really use prayer right now. I want to stay focused on Jesus more than anything. I want to get focused on the reason behind why I go to other countries, rather than just the whole logistics and such. Too often I forget the “why” behind the “what”. So if you could lift me up with prayer, that would be super awesome. If you are sensing you are getting a word from God for me, I encourage you to share it with me. God loves to use His children to speak life into others.


My fundraising is going really well. I have about $6000 USD right now. My next deadline is Dec. 19 and I need $7500 USD. So we are almost there!


Thanks for your support and Love,

Jordan Tarant