I just got back from an amazing week of counseling at Teen Camp with my home church. I was blessed to have gotten time off work to go and volunteer. There were some challenges that came with it, but over all it was an incredible week.

One of the challenges was that I was assigned to the youngest guys cabin. They were ages 11-13 and were just entering grade 7. This was challenging for me because I had built an great relationship with the older youth in my church and I was hoping to get one of their cabins. But God is sovereign. I believe He placed me in  the cabin He did to teach me some things. If I would have got the older guys, I probably would have thought, “Well, I can handle this, I know what I am doing, this will be easy” and I wouldn’t have trusted in God very much. But with the younger guys, I was like, “OH GOD HELP ME! I NEED YOU!” I had to rely on Him to help me. I needed God’s wisdom and strength. And God definitely came through. I was well rested after each night, small groups went well, we won cabin clean up 2 days in a row and many other ways God helped me.

The chapel times were my favorite. I have been working long hours at work lately and was wanting some well needed rest. The chapel services had amazing worship and awesome speaking/teaching. I was able to come and soak in God’s presence and learn new things. We learned about hearing God’s voice, Shame, the Orphan spirit, failure, being thankful, freedom and much more. It was awesome to come pour out on the youth and to be filled up as well. I grew closer to Jesus this week. I am excited for our future together.

My next favorite part about Camp was being with my closest friends and family for 1 week straight. God has blessed me with incredibly Godly people who build me up and encourage me. They don’t criticize me or hold me back from following Jesus. In fact they boost me forward with Him. I am where I am today because of the love I have received from God and the people He has placed in my life. I can love, because they first loved me. It’s tough knowing I am called to full time missions and that I will be leaving this family for long periods of time. I know God will give me new family, but I am going to miss this one a lot. This makes me want to make the most out of my time here while I am with them. The people God puts in our lives are there for a reason. I am so thankful for my brothers and sisters in Christ.

God never ceases to amaze me. Whenever I think that I’ve got God all figured out, He shows me something new about Him. His nature is never changing, but He is always doing new things. I love Jesus and want all people’s to come to a place of intimacy with Him.

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