So far, I’ve only told you the basic details: I’m going on the World Race. I leave in October. I’m serving across 3 continents, traveling to 11 countries in 11 months.

And that’s basically all you need to know, right?

“But where, oh where, are you traveling to Jonathan?” “What months will you be there?” “And what, for the love of Nutella, can I do to support you??”

Never fear, my friends.

Introducing my World Race fundraising project…


Around the World in 180 Squares.

Each square you see on this colorful chart represents a potential donation. For instance; donating $1 means Square #1 gets peeled away, donate $175 and Square #175 (or any number combo adding up to 175) gets peeled away, etc. Think of this as my version of those big fundraising thermometers… except way cooler.

But what’s so cool about colored squares? Well… Under all of these colorful squares is a large poster that highlights all 11 countries I’m traveling to, which continents I will be visiting, and the dates I will be there. As soon as enough squares are pulled away to reveal one of my countries, I will announce it to you all! I cannot WAIT to share more details about my trip, what kind of things God has put on my heart for each country, as well as some personal stories about why God called me to this specific route.

“Now wait a second. 180 is as high as this goes? You’re gonna need to shoot much higher than that, Jonathan.”

Au contraire, you clever fox. I’ve done the math. And guess what? If every single one of these squares gets sponsored, I will have raised… *drumroll*


Yeah, I couldn’t believe it either.

If I can get all 180 of these squares sponsored, I can go on the World Race.


50 of these squares contain amazing Words of Encouragement from the heart of God. I spent some time listening to God, and wrote down 50 short messages that I felt the Lord has given me for my sponsors (without knowing who specifically I’m writing for). Afterwards, I used a number generator to randomly assign 50 of these squares to each one of these messages, to ensure that messages I wrote down came straight from God, not me. If you pick the right square, you may get a special message!! God has a lot to say, especially to my amazing and generous sponsors.

So here we go! $1, $5, $50 – Any donation gets me one step closer to going on the World Race. Go to the top of this blog and click “Support Me” to donate! To pick your squares, you can message me on Facebook, or e-mail me at  [email protected]!

God Bless you all. I’m so grateful for every person who has supported my mission thus far, and for every person that the Holy Spirit prompts to give. I’m believing in miraculous provision for miraculous mission, and I believe you can be a part in what God will do across the nations next year.

You know, it’s kinda funny that 180 was the number highlighted for this trip.

After all, Jesus kind of specializes in 180’s…