Good news my friends!! I am AHEAD of my fundraising goals, AND I have already passed my first fundraising checkmarks – over $5,000!! Each and every person who has donated to my World Race fund has been a living miracle and testament to the generosity of the body of Christ. I’m so humbled, blessed, and blown away by God’s provision through you all!!

That being said, I still have a long way to go in my fundraising – I’m still looking at over $11,000 needed to be fully funded for the World Race. Which leads me to these…


See these beautiful pieces of artwork? These are all hand made, personally designed by my unbelievably talented sister Jessie Hogue (follow her on Facebook and Instagram!!). She’s been making these for people for a couple of years now, and in the midst of my fundraising for the World Race, she has offered to join forces with me…

So… here’s the deal.

For every donation towards my World Race account over $250, my sister will personally create a Spiritual Truth paining like this just for YOU!! Have a family saying, or life verse, or a biblical truth that you love? My sister will take any phrase or bible verse and make a beautiful work of art out of it. That’s right – YOU decide the specifics, and she will make one just for you!!

Specifics include:


— Color scheme

— Word styling

— Size/shape (no bigger than 12×16)

— Any other small details you might like! She’s an incredible painter!!

Interested in one of these paintings for your home? Maybe to hang in the living room, or for your kid’s room, or maybe by the front door as guests come in? My sister’s beautiful paintings will go well with any setting you might wish it for – be that an office, studio, or home! I believe these beautiful works of art every day will be a blessing to you and to all family and friends that see it every day!

While I would love to sell more of these, my sister works so hard and puts in so much detail, it takes her a good amount of time to make each one. So, I’m reserving these for my highest donors!

Donate today and help fund my mission to bring Jesus to the nations!! Click SUPPORT ME above! And should you feel generous enough to give over $250, please e-mail me at [email protected] with your home address and design specifics for your personalized Spiritual Truth painting!  


“But now, O LORD, You are our Father, We are the clay, and You our potter; And all of us are the work of Your hand.” ISAIAH 64:8