
I have been so humbled and awe-struck by the overwhelming support I’ve received from friends, family, and even strangers in the past two weeks since I announced my plans to go on the World Race. The past few months, I’ve felt some uncertainty about taking this giant leap outside of my comfort zone and my career path; to have had so many people jump right on board with me and this mission, it’s been great confirmation to know I’m walking in what God is calling me to do.

So, here’s the nitty gritty. While I may be the only one here physically travelling the world on mission next year, there’s no way I’ll be able to go without your support. Specifically, to go on the World Race, I need to raise a hefty amount of money.

$16,561 to be exact.

Yes, that’s a lot of money for a missions trip. BUT – let me reassure you that your money is not going to support my own personal vacation. This money covers all of my expenses for eleven months, which includes flights, travel expenses, boarding, food, and miscellaneous expenditures. While travelling the world may seem glamorous, the life of a World Racer is anything but. We live in our own personal tents, eat on $3-5 a day, and any excursions or fun gifts I decide to pay for will be on my own dime.

SO. Every dollar counts!! Every dollar you donate will directly contribute to the amazing work of the Gospel that God wants to do through my team in this next year!

Here are FOUR WAYS that YOU can support me:

1) Monthly Donation (Automated): This is the best way to financially support my mission. Even a small monthly payment can make a huge difference! A monthly automated donation can be set up through Dynapay, which can be accessed at this link:
a. Please consider setting up donations for the first of each month, so that when my deadlines arrive, your donations can be processed in time!
b. My final fundraising deadline is January 2017, so your monthly donations will only need to be set until this time, or until I reach my financial goal! To set an end date for your donation through Dynapay, please contact Donor Relations at [email protected], or call 1-800-881-2461, ext. 251.
c. Dynapay will only charge to bank accounts, not credit cards.
d. This donation is tax-deductible!**

2) One-Time Donation: Any donation is greatly appreciated! There are three ways to do this:
a. Online: Scroll up to the top of this blog, and click the orange button that says “Donate”. From here, you will be able to send donations directly to my fundraising account. This donation can be charged from a credit card or bank account.
b. Check: These must be written out to Adventures in Missions, with “World Race Jonathan Hogue” in the Memo Line. Please contact me first if you send a check; some checks can take up to two weeks to process! All checks go through automated processing, so please only send one check per envelope. You can send them to:
P.O. Box 742570
Atlanta, GA 30374-2570
c. Cash: While other methods are preferred, any cash given to me will be deposited directly into my World Race fund, or will be used to purchase gear needed for the trip!
d. Any form of donation can be used to sponsor a square through my “Around the World in 180 Squares” (#atw180) Project – MORE DETAILS COMING SOON!!

3) Referral: Unable to give, but know someone who would? Or, you have any really awesome ideas for fundraising that I should try? E-mail me at [email protected] about anyone you know who might want to support global missions!

4) Prayer Support: This is the greatest thing I can ask for. While fundraising support is greatly needed, I know that nothing of eternal worth will happen without the Spirit of God! Follow my blog to keep up with my adventures, stories, and prayer requests! You can receive e-mail updates on my latest blog posts by clicking “Subscribe for Updates” on the left-hand side of this blog, in order to receive e-mail updates on new blog posts!

So, my friends…. would you be willing to support me?

Would you be willing to seek the Lord and ask Him to show you which way He desires you to give?

I won’t lie. I’m intimidated by the amount of money I’m attempting to raise. But, I praise God for the Body of Christ, because the work He calls us to is never meant to be done alone. In supporting my mission, you can be involved in the great work of the Cross all around the world.

I’m believing in miraculous provision for miraculous mission.

Will you join me?

PS – Stay tuned my friends!! In my next blog, I will tell you all about this mysterious #atw180 Project… It’s going to be a lot of fun!!

** Adventures In Missions is a tax-exempt organization under IRS code 501(c)(3) and is a member of the ECFA. (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability). Due to IRS and ECFA regulations governing the administration of tax deductible donations given in support of a particular trip/program, support contributions given on behalf of an individual will be used to offset the costs of the trip/program you are involved in. All contributions are non-refundable regardless of the participant’s success in completing the program.