Team Arrow assemble.

So at the beginning of this month we had team changes. I had to say goodbye to Nos Amis but a couple of my friends followed to my new team!

Change is something that some people have a hard time with. I welcome change because it is in change that we can grow.

While the last four months have been good, I am looking forward to the next few months with my new team. Our new team is called Team Arrow.

We are not just a new team but we have been called for a special purpose this month in Cambodia. We are the Unsung Hero Team. What does that mean?

The Unsung Hero Team goes to a certain place without a ministry host and asks the Lord what ministry they should do and asks God to help them find ministry contacts.

Our team was given the placement in Sihanoukville, Cambodia. We had no idea what we were going to do but we booked a hostel and a bus ride and off we went.

We prayed together about things and then of course God answered. We went out to eat in the area and met an older gentlemen that we have been able to disciple.

We also had a meeting with a couple who own a coffee shop called Cafe Awaken. It’s weird but I feel right at home and a peace every time I walk into the coffee shop.

We met with them and connected with them and have been doing bar ministry with them. It has been fantastic.

We also met with the principal of Life School International. We have been working at this school and helping with the elementary school. This has been a great opportunity.

I honestly thought it was going to be difficult to find ministry but God proved me wrong.

He showed me how when we ask anything in His name that He will do it. God showed up and led our feet into ministry. He showed us the men and women of peace and showed us how we can live missionally just as He intended for us to live.

This has been a great experience and it’s not over yet. There is still more to come.

Looking forward to more ministry. When we live open handedly and allow God to work as we pray unto Him, amazing things happen.

Walk by faith and not by sight.

Team Arrow