Once upon a time there was a boy who dreamed of going to far away lands and rescuing the damsel in distress. He would travel in his backyard and act as if he was going over mountains and fighting giants just as David did. He would run into the house on rainy days and make forts and movies of things he desired to do. His imagination ran wild. He wanted the adventure. He desired to take risks. He desired for something more. That desire for more grew and grew as time went on. This boy found Christ at a young age and the desire to go kept burning inside him. Instead of seeking more power, he sought more of God. Instead of seeking out parties, he sought out the quiet places. This boy grew to be a man and continues to seek adventure. This boy that became a man is me.
I have always desired to do more than what I’ve been doing. There has always been a sense of urgency in me to do the things of God. At a young age I could sense that in the way I would play with others. I desire to be more and to do more for God. I will never be satisfied until I am welcomed into the Heavenly gates.
I have wondered many times what God has/had in store for my future. I used to worry about the plans that God had for me all of the time but God tells us not to worry. “Therefore, take no thought about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take thought about the things of itself. Sufficient to the day is the trouble thereof,” Matthew 6:34
I used to think that my life was like a book or a movie and that people were reading about me or watching me on television and I was the main character. I would walk around and act like that I had theme music going on depending on what I was doing. In a way this is true. All of our lives are like a book or a movie and we are the main characters. You are the main character of your story. What do you want to be known for? What do you want people to see or read?
God has created us for a purpose. Your story may start out, “Once upon a time…” There are a lot of people who say that there are no such thing as fairytales. In my opinion, fairytales themselves are not real but the concept behind them is all real. God writes the perfect fairytale, but in this case I would not call it a fairytale. I would call them “God-tales.” These “God-tales” are true. Your story is true. God has written your tale but are you going to follow what the book says or try to create your own tale?
God says that He has great plans for us. “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you not to harm you, to give you a hope and a future,” Jeremiah 29:11 God has written out the plans He has for you. He has perfectly crafted you for what He wants you to do. You have a purpose in life. Your ‘Once upon a time..’ is a fairtytale that has become a God-tale. But because God has given us freewill, it is up to you to choose to follow this path and story. You can choose to turn the pages of God’s book or you can choose to write your own book and miss everything God has for you.
In the same way we choose this tale to follow, Joshua 24:15 says, “If it is displeasing to you to serve the Lord, then choose today whom you will serve, if it should be the gods your fathers served beyond the River or the gods of the Amorites’ land where you are now living. Yet as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Choose this day whom you will serve. Choose this day which book you will follow. Choose this day the destiny God has for you. Will you follow the book the Lord has written for you? Or will you choose one that you will write? God’s ‘Once upon a time..’ is better than yours. Choose this day.
Maybe you want to see adventure. Maybe you want to see romance. Maybe you want to see action. Maybe you want to rescue the damsel in distress. Whatever you want to see, God has so much better than you can imagine planned for you.
Help me follow my book. Help me get to where God wants me to go. I desire to go release the captives, heal the sick, raise the dead, free the oppressed, and rescue those who are in slavery. Help me get to the 11 countries in 11 months for the mission that God has me on. It will not be just my story, but it will be the stories of others that are intertwined into the fabric of a book that God has created called life. Help me spread God’s love and mercy to others. You will be apart of this story. You will be apart of making a difference in someone’s life. You will be apart of making a change. Thank you for your support. Praying for you daily. God bless.