Fog. It’s hard to see when you are driving through it. It’s hard to see when you are walking in it. If there is no light then you can’t get through the fog very well and even with a light sometimes it’s hard to even get through.

Fog can bring destruction and wreck things that are on the right path.

This month fog hit in, not only in the mountains but in the mind as well.

Spiritual warfare is not just physical or spiritual stuff like what happened to me and my team in Ghana but here in Asia it is of the mind and heart.

The religions of Buddhism and Hinduism have their emphasis on body, mind, and soul. This affects the atmosphere when you enter in and if you are not careful then you can fall to the traps that the enemy lays down for you in your mind and heart.

This month the enemy tried to bring confusion and lead my heart astray in my mind and heart. The enemy twisted the Word of God and desires into something that seemed like truth. That’s what deception is isn’t it?

I then began questioning what is truth? What is faith? What is the right path?

I couldn’t see.

I had to really press into God. It took me awhile to figure out what God was teaching me. He was bringing me into a deeper understanding of how important prayer is and how important it is to have blind faith.

I began a fast to press more into God and it has helped tremendously. My yearning for God outweighed everything else that I had given up. I wanted to know more. I wanted to dwell in God’s presence even more because it was in His presence that I had a perfect peace of mind.

As time went on and my body began to get sick, I prayed even more but what was weird was the way God started to speak to me.

God spoke to me through movie scenes and movie soundtracks.

It was the most bizarre thing. I have been experiencing God in new ways while on the race and things have happened that I didn’t think would happen but God definitely took me by surprise and began to speak.

He began to tell me of may wonderful things about the my future. “Call to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things that you do not know.” -Jeremiah 33:3

I could start seeing more clearly but then God wanted to show me a better way to see but He took my sight away again in a day we called Faith Day.

“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7

Faith Day was not just a day without seeing what was ahead but it was a day that we came to the table of Jesus with an empty plate.

Ministry today was different but amazing. We met at our usual spot for worship and prayer but then we emptied our pockets and left our backpacks. We didn’t carry a single thing except for the clothes on our backs and a water bottle.

We were not testing God today but in our hearts we decided to do ministry by really relying on the Holy Spirit to tell us what to do and where to go without carrying anything. We did this in accordance with Luke 9:3 which says, “He said to them, ‘Take nothing for your journey: no staff, no bag, no bread, no money. And do not take two tunics apiece.'”

We were divided up into groups and then after we prayed we headed off into the direction we felt God leading us.

As our group was going in one direction we stopped for a bit and ended up ministering to a  man with a flower garden. He had said that he had heard the Gospel that we preach before but he was not yet ready to accept it.

We took that as another seed planted and knew that God had His eyes on the man.

We kept walking after that and got to the main road. We felt like we needed to go left but didn’t want to walk but wanted a ride and so we prayed for one. Almost immediately a man and his friend stopped with their motorcycle and asked where we were from and if we needed help. 

At first we didn’t tell him what we were doing but then decided after a little while that we would divulge about the Faith Day.

He and his friend were very helpful and said they would call a truck down to get us free transportation and that there was a great place we should go where the original tribe of Kathmadu, the Newali, lived on the side of a mountain.

And so we prayed and decided that’s what we were going to do. The man and his friend led us to a juncture where we got out and got into another truck that drove us to our destination.

We parted ways with our new friends at this point and prayed with them. Come to find out, our friends name in English means ‘Gift.’ Look at God!!

As they left they said go to Lahana. So we went to look for Lahana. We walked a little bit not really knowing where to go. We asked a few of the towns people where Lahana was and they pointed us in the right direction.

As we walked, we prayed and asked the Lord to guide our steps for we had no idea what we were really doing but wanted to preach the Kingdom of Heaven.

We ended up finding Lahana down a small narrow road and inside was a small narrow hallway.

We walked in and our translator began to translate for us. We began to tell the woman that met us about what we were doing. Lahana was a small museum and a restaurant. We told her that we didn’t have any money so we couldn’t buy any food but we wanted to pray for her and the waitresses and bring blessing to the place.

She welcomed us and told us to sit down and then we talked some more and prayed over the place. We didn’t know what to do after that.

We then began to pray about where to go next. We all felt like God was wanting us to go back in the direction we came from and so we got up but God said not yet for the women of the place told us to sit back down.

We came with no money or food but we were fed that day a glorious native meal. God does provide.

We filled our bellies and prayed over the place and people once more telling them about God and planting seeds. We then headed back in the direction God told us to go.

As we walked back we stopped by a hotel to use the restroom and pray over the workers. We then continued down the mountain and felt led to stop at a cafe.

This cafe was a nice one. It was outside and a good place to discuss more about how we were going to get down the mountain all of the way without having to walk down. As we sat there, we decided that we would ask for some water so two of our members went to ask for some.

Not only did we get water, but each of us got a mug of yummy milk tea to satisfy our stomachs. Look at God looking!

After this we went down the mountain but then asked a motorist if one of us could hitch a ride to the bottom. The first motorist did and took one of our friends, Maggie, from the ministry we are helping.

We tried to call down another ride and a motorist stopped. He did not give us a ride but instead blessed us with 200 Rupies, $2.00, for a bus ride for eight of us.

We did not use this money right away but instead hailed down a truck that took us down to the bottom of the mountain to meet Maggie.

We met up with Maggie and instead of heading back home, we felt led to go to the hospital that was right next to us.

We walked to the entrance and split off into twos. Maggie and I went inside while the others stayed outside to pray and talk to people about Christ.

After Maggie and I went in, we saw a lot of people and security guards guarding the stairs and elevator. As we prayed there silently I kept getting the number 203 in my spirit.

I told Maggie and then proceeded to ask a man beside us if we could use the stairs but he shook his head no and said ‘No Enlgish.’ As this happened, one of the security guards came up to me and asked if he could help.

I asked if we could go upstairs and use the elevator and he asked me, “What room number?’ So I told him 203.

He allowed us in the elevator and we rode up to 203. As we were in the elevator we prayed for God to be with us and help us.

We got off the elevator and saw many nurses and doctors about the area. We walked around trying to find 203. We walked past 212, 210, 206, and kept passing rooms and then we found 203. All of the doors were shut except for 203 so we knew that God had wanted us in there.

We walked in the room and a man who seemed to be mentally ill kept moving his head back and forth yelling.

Maggie and I looked at one another and just started praying for him as we laid our hands upon him.

As we began to pray for him a peace entered the room. The man stopped yelling and just looked at me as I prayed with my eyes open.

As we prayed I felt the presence of God and felt as if Jesus was standing behind Maggie and me in between us. As I got this feeling, the man’s gaze went between us and he stared very intently as tears began welling in his eyes.

We prayed and then when we had ended our prayer a nurse came in and asked why we were in the room and how did we get there. She also said we needed to leave so we apologized then left.

We then met up with the group outside the hospital and prayed with them once more. We then decided to use to the money we received previously, not for a bus ride, but to buy someone’s medicine for them at the pharmacy there.

God has said to give liberally and if we are able to help others then we need to.

“Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do it.” Proverbs 3:27

After this we started to head back home and got a ride for three of us on motorcycles and the rest in a truck.

God provided for us the whole day as we ministered and brought the peace that God has given us. We walked as ambassadors for the Kingdom of God and brought forth the Kingdom to others. This experience was more than worth it.

Today I couldn’t see.

I couldn’t see at the beginning of the month because of the enemy but today I couldn’t see because I came by faith asking God to reveal Himself to us in a new way.

In our walk with God we must surrender to Him and come to the table with an empty plate. We need not worry about how we are going to be provided for but instead know that we will be provided for. God takes care of His children.

Do you have the faith it takes to go and bring the Kingdom of God without bringing anything? I challenge you to do so. Don’t limit yourself because then you are limiting God. You can’t limit God because He is limitless.

Come to the table. Bring your empty plate. Don’t worry about a thing because God has everything under control.

“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all of these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33