As I’ve been fundraising now for a month or so it has gotten better and so has life. I went around driving to different houses to deliver support letters with a friend of mine on Saturday the 14th. It was a gorgeous day. The sun was shining and it was amazing talking to people I haven’t seen in a while. I was nervous going up to the doors at first but God gave me the strength, I kept repeating different verses in my head. At one door I kept thinking about what I wanted to say and what I was thinking was exactly what the person said when I got to the door. My own understanding and planning are not Gods. I have a bad habit of overthinking everything and trying to fantasize a good result. My fantasy is not Gods plan. I need to let God work. It is an amazing thing when you trust God and see the result. I am learning to let go. I hope this helps someone. Believe that God knows what He is doing because he does. It was an amazing afternoon hanging with my friend and later going boating with him and his family. I got to share my heart with a bunch of people about things that are actually important. Eternal things that last are what I’m striving for. The world seems vain at times, not saying I don’t succumb to temptation. But I can’t wait to see God in heaven in his fullness.