“1 John 4:19 We love because he loved us first.”


I am extroadinarily blessed, blessed far beyond what I could ever deserve or work for myself. I have so much opportunity for my future rather it be career or family wise. That is one of the arguments people make including myself at times that would be a reason to not go on the World Race. However I believe that my blessing are more of a reason to go than to stay. All of those opportunities that I have to grow in a career will be here when I get back if God really has it planned for me. I think because I am so blessed that I should share those blessings with others. 1 john states that we are loved because he loved us first. I believe it is our duty as christians to reciprocate the love that he first showed us to others. 

When I was in Mexico a few years ago I had the opportunity to serve at an orphanage. These kids at the orphanage had everything that we value taken from them. Many of them still had families however their families no longer wanted them or they could no longer take care of them so they sent them to this orphanage where they slept on bunk beds, often many to a room. Its gotta be a pretty heart breaking feeling to feel like you are unwanted and unloved. The biggest thing I remember from my experience is the overwhelming joy these kids had from our presence and from just getting to play with us. You would never tell these kids were orphans by the way they played soccer and how they welcomed us into their lives. Although we didn’t speak the same language and I remember how specifically bad my spanish was at this point. I was attempting to communicate with one of the girls who lived at the orphanage, simply tried to ask her what her name was and in my broken spanish I accidently told her I loved her instead. Our language barrier didn’t matter God still used us to love on and make a positive impact in those kids lives. The look of joy in those kids still stays with me to this day and I believe it provides me with purpose to Race.


I believe that going on the World Race is a sign of great faith as well as great obedience. It takes a lot of faith to be able to step out of your comfort zone and move thousands of miles away from home. During the race we will be living out of a backpack and often we might not know where we are sleeping that night or where our next meal will be provided. During those times is when we must have faith that God will provide for us. One of the greatest test of faith we will see as World Racers will be before we ever get on a plane or leave for training camp. The World Race is funded entirely by our ability to trust in God through fundraising. We are responsible for raising all of the funds that will be needed for the Race and being that the World Race will consist of 11 countries spanning 3 continents it is not cheap by any means. In fact it will require us to raise nearly $17,000 a feat that I believe is impossible to do on my own without having faith that God will provide. The World Race will be an opportunity to show great obedience towards God as well as to all the plans he has already set out for us along this journey. It would be entirely understandable to just give up and say I don’t have what it takes anymore or the energy to complete this. However it will be a great sign of obedience to God to see it through and to say to God I don’t know how or why but I know who will provide and I have ultimate faith that you will.  


At the very core of it all The World Race is an opportunity for God to show up. I race because I believe the same God who created the heavens and earth and allowed is son to die on the cross for my sins still exist and the World Race is an opportunity to see him in all his glory while having faith that he will provide.