Today was the first day that I didn’t wake up in a pool of my own sweat.
My leg muscles are getting stronger from squatting in holes to use the restroom.
This week we’ve watched hundreds and hundreds of Mozambique youth worship and praise the Lord.
Two days ago I cleaned a little boy’s head wound so the flies would stop swarming him.
Last night I was mad because I wanted to take a bucket shower, but I couldn’t
because women were there filling up their buckets with the family DRINKING water.
Before Africa, I took water for granted.
I wake up to an obnoxious rooster every day.
I now think it’s funny how many pairs of clothes I ACTUALLY need.
Dying to my own desires is a daily process I must take hour by hour.
Our ministry host saw that we like peanut butter, so he bought us a jar.  I can’t explain how grateful and blessed this makes me feel.
Yesterday I was overwhelmed by the realization that John Michael and I were worshipping our God in Africa…together.
I am so thankful for our new team and the ease at which we connect.
Christmas music makes us homesick, but we listen to it just because it’s December and we love it.
My teammates are helping me see that I am a woman of confidence and strength.
I miss my family.
My diet this month consists of rice, bread, and potatoes.
African people praise God for even the smallest, most frivolous thing, and now I want to also. 
My definition of suffering and roughing it is forever changed. 
I am uncomfortable this month, but I hear the Lord’s voice daily.
We are stared at and watched continuously.
The lack of our usual activity, comforts, and technology has led us to create team workout time!
This month, John Michael and I have nowhere to go to be alone, but get to go away for two nights!
There are kids around us 24/7 and it makes me happy.
Yesterday was the first day I felt I truly understood the meaning of His power is made perfect through my weakness.  This month I feel weak, but He makes me strong!