It’s not just who you are, it encompasses your entire being.
  It is that which separates you from all other life forms on this planet.
  Some have defined it as the mind, will and emotions but some deeper component lies nestled in the dark crevices of our being.

The soul is eternal, everlasting – that part of our being that will spend an infinite expanse long after our bodies have become dust.
  But the soul, while the body is still whole is actively engaged in the lives of humanity and it craves, nay longs, to be filled.
   A starving, restless beast, the soul exists to be filled. The mind seeks knowledge, the will seeks control and the emotions seek happiness.
  Humanity, every man, woman and child is designed in deific perfection to fill their soul.

As I have walked the streets of the world and seen humanity course through life, it is clear that every actions leads to some filling of the soul.
  Entertainment, pleasure, relationship, materialism or elements that alleviate the pain from the lack thereof (alcohol, drugs, etc.) seek to fill the soul’s emotional needs.
  Education, conversation and the like seek to fill the mind.
  Industry, productivity and efficiency seek to provide the will with control and power.
  Like Freud’s “id,” the soul is inherently selfish and will, at its very dark core, seek fulfillment at any expense.
  Other’s feelings, other’s worth, other’s validation, affirmation or well-being are only important if they somehow satiate the soul and its cravings – otherwise, they are fruitless pursuits.

Christ came to bring life – and life abundant.
  However, this life abundant is a change in thought and does not exist to serve the soul’s selfish needs.
  This life abundant is the humble acceptance of what Christ referred to as “living water” which makes the drinker never thirst again.
  The terrifying rejection of the soul’s demanding nature and acceptance of complete fulfillment in Christ is the higher way, the better way.
  From the beginning of humanity, Adam and Eve communed with God, their souls were constantly filled with the rich relationship God offered.
  Walking in the cool of the day and merely being in the presence of such holiness kept Adam and Eve content, fulfilled and satisfied.
  Discontent did not enter the picture even upon the offering of the fruit from the devil.
  A sense of lacking, a hunger if you will, came upon them at the prospect that there was more to be had, a greater satiation to the hunger of their souls.
  While temporarily satisfying, the result was no substitute for the communion offered by God.
  The soul has forever longed for that relationship and the complete satisfaction offered by such communion.

The soul hungers.
  Without an offering of the best way, it will seek that which, even if temporarily satisfying, will satiate this hunger.
  The induction of boredom, apathy or complacency only seeks to drive the soul to more ravenous depths only to discover new, more devastating means of filling itself.
  The soul will be fed, the question is: will it be fed that which will give life?
  Will it be given that which will satisfy?