Thought you should all know we have made it to the Kingdom of Swaziland!


8 hour flight to London…CHECK

14 hour layover in London…CHECK

Double Decker Bus Tour of London…CHECK

10 hour flight to Johannesburg…CHECK

Day of rest at a missionary base in South Africa…CHECK

Pick up the rest of our team at the airport….CHECK

6 hour drive to Swaziland…CHECK

WELCOME by 50 January World Racers….CHECK!!!


After 5 days of traveling we have somewhat recovered from jet lag.
  Along the way we met a lot of incredible people from Atlanta to London to South Africa to Swaziland.  While in London we took the traditional double decker bus tour (Lauren & I in the picture) 
  As of now we will for sure be in Swaziland for training through the rest of the week.
  After that our schedule is in the air.
  Currently, we are living in a missionary house with the January World Racers.
  Yes…80 people in one house (except the guys are camping on the lawn…we are grateful!)


Our training basically consists of spiritual, practical, and relational training sessions.
  Some incredible men of God are here to speak into our lives, encourage the direction we are headed, and challenge us to be sensitive to what the Lord desires to do in the next year rather than have our own ideals and plans.
  I am looking forward to spending more time with the girls on my team so we can begin to create unity in our family for the year.
  Also, I am enjoying catching up with my lifelong buddy, Michelle McBeath…it has been a treat getting to spend time with her in Swaziland (who knew we would be in Africa together one day!)


Once we get through training I look forward to have some more exciting African type journeys to share with you.
  Thank you for your prayers, journeying with me, and love!