It is almost that time…I will go to Tulsa from Springfield on June 4th and then fly from Tulsa to Atlanta bright and early on June 5th.  That day I will jump on a plane to South Africa and travel by land to Swaziland.  I have spent the last few weeks gathering my final gear, spending time with my people, and preparing myself, as best I can, for this adventure.  Today we got an updated itinerary.  Thought you might like to check it out and read the criteria for how the World Race administrators select our route! 

Criteria for Selecting the World Race Route

  • Where is the Lord working? Where is the Holy Spirit on the move? Where was there maximum ministry impact and good fruit in previous years?
  • Places where we have established partnerships and logistical help
  • Poorest of the poor – God uses the poor to initiate us
  • Logistical considerations – congruence
  • Weather & time of year

Current World Race Route


South Africa




China (November and December)


Latin America (Peru?)

Latin America (Nicaragua?)

Latin America (Mexico?)

My teammate, Lauren, made this map.  Click
to see the map close up with pictures of each location by clicking on  the country name to the left of the map in the link…

Start praying for these places!!!