A week in Cape Town reiterated the need and desire to be intentional in prayer throughout life and this journey itself.
  After a much LESS eventful train ride home (we had sleeper cars this round.) we returned to Alabanza to meet all 80 World Racers and our AIM leadership.


It has been an eventful week debriefing with our team at Alabanza.
  The Lord brought some conformation to the word He spoke in my previous blog, “Death to Birth.”
  The theme over this weekend has been very similar to that word the Lord brought to me earlier in the week.
  Needless to say…my faith has been strengthened, and I have been challenged to continue to ask the Lord to speak loud and clear!


Keep walking the journey….

Keep walking the journey….

Keep walking the journey….

Our team has changed up a little bit this week.
  Sadly my sisters Jenny and Cristie are now on team Awaken.
  I will miss Jenny’s laughter, humor, and vulnerability.
  The loss of Cristie means losing a unique passion for God.
  On the other hand, we have gladly gained a brother, Casey Barefield.
  Pray the Lord continues to bring unity to our new family.
  Don’t worry…we are not forcing Casey to become a “Daughter of Zion.”
  A new team name is in the works!



We are off to Botswana at 4am tomorrow, July 31st!
  Most of our time will be spent doing direct evangelism including door to door, preaching, etc…
  It will definitely be a time that pushes me to walk in undeveloped gifts in my life.
  Pray the Lord casts out all fear and confidence that His Word does not return void.


Thank you for your prayers…please continue to cover this journey and the people we encounter!