Friends & Family…

Over the last several years I have struggled through the reality that the world is filled with injustice and suffering, yet I am confident that God is still in control of His lost creation.
  Many of you have known me for a while now and know that God has captured my heart for the nations.
  This desire to serve God internationally has only increased as I have spent summers in Mexico and Guatemala building homes for the poor, working with handicapped orphans, and studying Spanish through immersion. 

Since graduating from Oklahoma Baptist University in May 2005, I have worked as an admissions counselor recruiting future Bison.
  This has been a growing opportunity, but my recent circumstances have been used to catapult me into pursuing the desires of my heart.
  Along with these desires comes an unsettledness when living a traditional, expected lifestyle.
  The daunting task to impact the world is at the forefront of my life.
  Matthew 16:25-26 says
“For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it. What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?”
 I have tried to subdue my love for people within foreign cultures for various reasons; however, God has placed this desire in my life and He has asked me to be obedient and follow His lead.  

For years I have prayed for the right opportunity to make a difference in the world and live a life that is extraordinary.
  I heard about this incredible program called The World Race through a friend.
 The concept is to live your life like Jesus did for a year ministering to the poorest of the poor while traveling around the world to 11 countries in 11 months. 
Our team will tentatively serve in South Africa, Swaziland, Botswana, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Croatia, Ukraine, Russia, China, and/or India.

Simplicity and servant hood are key values for The World Race.
  As we travel, we will do so cheaply and live in tents or safe places where we are invited.
  In each country we will partner with local missionaries or churches to establish a variety of long-term ministries that will impact each particular people group long after we leave.

Jesus’ words regarding losing my life to find it encourage me to no longer live for myself.
  Taking this year to intentionally live as Jesus did, living on little, and touching the poor, will revolutionize the way I live my life for the Lord.
  I have realized that while I am young and unattached I must take advantage of the opportunity to travel the world, learn to serve God wholeheartedly, and live this way because it is what God has asked.
  Abandoning my comfortable life will not be easy and this is not a glamorous lifestyle, but I know I will learn to radically depend on God as never before. 


The World Race is a revolutionary program that encourages 20-somethings to seriously commit themselves to following Jesus.
  It is a commitment to a transformational discovery process.
  Through this process we will be transformed through experience, servant hood, and discipleship.
  I will attend a two week training session in the spring before
I leave for the race on June 5th.
  Throughout the year AIM staff members will meet us in each country for debriefing after each ministry project.

Ultimately I have a heart to see people receive the Gospel and grow in their knowledge of Jesus Christ.
  Injustice and suffering in the world consumes my thought life on a regular basis.
  This opportunity to practically love on those that hunger and ache to hear the Gospel is truly a dream come true.
  I thank God for this opportunity and trust that because He has called me, He will meet my needs.
  My prayer is that He will do that through you.
  Specifically I would ask fifteen people to commit to pray for me each day until I return.
  I would be honored if you would financially and prayerfully partner with me in this ministry. 

The World Race costs $1,180 per month totaling

$13,000 for the whole year
  Our team of about 45 are beginning to raise funds now.
  Several of you may be able to contribute financially.
  You can give to this project in a one time gift or through a monthly pledge.
  I calculated that if only five people gave $100, seven people gave $50, fifteen people gave $25, and twenty people gave $10 in monthly pledges, I will meet my goal!

I must have half of the funds in my account in order to leave on June 5th.
Will you pray about supporting me in one of these ways?

In order to partner in this ministry.  You may simply click on the ”
Support Me” tab to the left and follow the instructions on the page.  Filling out the form will provide AIM with all necessary information.
  In turn, they will send you a receipt.
  All gifts are tax-deductible.

You can find more info about Adventures in Missions at

and more info about the World Race at
  I will be posting a log on the web throughout my trip and you’ll be able to read about and see photos of our adventure during the trip.
  Feel free to ”
Contact Me” by clicking on that tab to the left as well.

I am extremely excited to see how God will use me and what He will teach me through this experience.
  My desire is to bless you and those I serve as I go as your representative of Jesus Christ.
  I hope you will prayerfully consider being part of my ministry.
  Thank you for your love and support!

Following Him, 

Jessie Pace

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