Hello family and friends! Welcome to my blog 🙂 I will be sharing thoughts and experiences before, during and after this adventure that God has called me on. This first post is a summary of what God has been doing recently in my life and a call for prayer and support throughout this journey.

Since graduating college, I have enjoyed working at a standardized testing company (Data Recognition Corporation) and a translation company (KJ International). It has been a huge blessing to work as an editor in these fields while using both my major, Journalism, and my minor, Spanish. Lately, I have felt called by God to use my skills in a new environment.

Recently, I was accepted into a program called The World Race. It is an 11-month mission trip that goes to 11 different countries. The route I will be going on includes countries in Latin America, Eastern Africa and Eastern Europe. Service on the race varies and can include serving in orphanages, manual labor, teaching English, leading church groups, and visiting hospitals. I hope to live out the Great Commission by serving those in need, learning about other cultures, creating deep Christ-centered relationships, refining my character, and building my trust in God.

I will face many challenges throughout the World Race, but as I prepare for my departure, one of my greatest challenges is my financial support. In order to leave fully funded in January 2016, I will need to raise the amount listed in the bar above. This money will cover all of my expenses while serving on the field as well as travel to and from the training camp and launch point. Although this is a daunting amount, I believe that God will provide me with the resources I need for the calling He has put on my life.

Would you consider joining me as a partner in this mission with a financial donation? I would love for you to pray about this opportunity to support me in my spiritual growth. To donate online, you can click on the orange “Support Me!” button on the upper right-hand corner of this page. If you are not able to give financially, I would also love any prayer requests, updates, referrals, advice, or encouragement. Your partnership means a lot to me.

Please feel free to contact me via phone (651-253-0508) or email ([email protected]). Included below is a video about The World Race.

Thank you so much for your support!