Camping is in tents!

I typically despise lame puns like the one above, but it is truly the best way to summarize my training camp experience in Atlanta, Georgia. We were literally in tents, and it was a very intense ten(t) days. Insert eye roll.

Insert smile. Training camp was both harder and better than I expected it to be. I was challenged and encouraged throughout the week as I grew closer to God and a bunch of others on my squad who are now my pseudo-family.

A typical day at camp consisted of waking up around 7 or 8, exercising with my squad, eating food specific to a certain area of the world (soup for breakfast on Asia day!), worship and teaching sessions, team-building activities, small group discussions, and a field scenario.

Many of the nights, we were given field scenarios to train us to be flexible and work as a team. These included: having half of our belongings “stolen” by staff, making a shelter out of two tarps and rope, sleeping in an “airport” for a layover, and buying dinner as a squad in a makeshift market with countless countries represented. Our squad struggled through each scenario learning how to work together and find joy even when tired/angry/hungry/

Here’s a quick run-down of thoughts post-camp.

Things I Missed:
-soft surfaces
-being clean
-being warm
-smelling good
-flush toilets
-hot water showers
-my job
-my bed
-knowing my schedule

Things I Did Not Miss:
-my phone
-wearing makeup
-work clothes

Things I Will Miss:
-the closeness of God’s presence
-the people
-being outside constantly
-time to just exist
-constant revelations
-southern accents
-bonfires and mallows
-bug-free nights

God really confirmed my calling to this adventure during camp. Thank you so much for making it a possibility for me!

Most of our “C” squad (consists of 31 people with only 3 guys)

Trying to fit two rows of 15 people in a lean-to

All six squads that were together for training camp (C squad was in green)