It has been only one week since we arrived, but it feels like we have been here for many weeks!

I’m going to brag about my hosts, Pastor Melvin and his wife, Dena. They have been such great hosts!  They both have a heart to serve their community; Melvin loves the children and ministers through sports. He is always pouring out to the community, and will find new ways to minister. His love is inspiring!!  Alex works in the church and teaches sports in the school. He is very passionate about ministry and enjoys loving on the people. 

They have built an amazing church, Mas Que Vencedores (More than Conquerors), and they live by the name!  It’s been an amazing experience to be involved with them. We are learning their dances and will be dancing in front of the church every Sunday evening!  We have been involved in their youth game nights, as well as their small groups and general services. They teach their congregation that God has created them to be conquerors in every area of their lives, and they provide practical application for them, mainly through sports and activities.

The church/people have been such a blessing, and it was exactly what I needed yesterday during our adventure day:

This is San Marcelino Volcano, one of two volcanoes in Northwest El Salvador. For our adventure day, we decided to climb to the top!  However, we climbed one that wasn’t as tall because it erupted last year.

This is Santa Ana Volcano. It doesn’t look as impressive, but it had more a view from the top!


Let me tell you, this was such a challenge for me!  I went with expectations that we would be alone with our team and have all day to climb.  Nope. We were in a group of nearly 100 and we had 2 hours to reach the top!  It was difficult. My legs were shaking, my heart was racing; a few times I became dizzy and nauseated, and a few times I started having a panic attack because I was breathing so fast (but my paramedic kicked in and I prevented it :).  But one thing was on my mind:  Mas Que Vencedores, Romanos 8:37!  I said it in my mind, I said it out loud, and my team said it throughout the journey. My team never let me give up!!

The trail near the base of the volcano

The trail near the top


Amber was quick to take my bag and give me her water, and Emma was very encouraging; she even held my hand as we scaled the top–the time that I wanted to give up the most!  But I was constantly reminded that I am more than a Conqueror!  

We made it to the top, and the view was amazing!!

Boiling/steaming green stuff inside the volcano!  Don’t worry, no lava.

Inside rim 

View of the lake below.  

El Salvador’s version of Crater Lake 🙂


While it was a difficult journey, we made it! And it was well worth it.  I give thanks and blessings to my team for pushing me along and not letting me give up!!  Team Soul Spark is amazing!!  

Team Soul Spark and Alex, who agreed to join us on the adventure and be our body guard!!


Plans for this next week:  School begins, and we will be teaching English and Basketball until noon. We have team time until various services in the evening (youth group, small groups, etc). Our days will be long, but we are Mas Que Vencedores!!