Over the holiday break, my mom and I have been watching A LOT of movies.  Some of my favorite movies basically have the exact same plot line.  There’s a prince. The Prince leaves the castle.  Prince meets the girl.  They fall in love.  He takes her back to the castle.  They get married.  She becomes a princess.  They live happily ever after.  I know that it’s all so cheesy, but I don’t care.  I love it. 

The prince always chooses her.  He loves her.  He dances with her and wants people to see Him with her.  He leaves his palace and all the people that adore him- just to go wherever she is.  He honors her.  He gives her a future of royalty, provision, and safety.

There is a beautiful truth to all of these movies.  I am the girl.  You are the girl.  We’re all the girl.  Wandering around in our mess and darkness until King Jesus comes in and changes everything.  He chose me.  He loves me.  He gives me joy to dance and sing.  He is proud that I am His.    He left heaven to come to earth.  He left angels in heaven to come where many didn’t even know His name.   He gives me honor.  He gives me a future.  He provides for me. He keeps me safe.  Because of Jesus, I am a daughter of the most high King.  And, He freely gives this to all who believe in Him and accept Him.  He freely gives to me, you, and anyone who calls upon His name.  

Our King is better than any earthy king.  His reign is true and eternal.  His love is more full and completing than the love that any human can give.  He alone saves us from sin and gives us salvation.  He calls us His own and gives us life.  You and I have our own royal stories because of Jesus.  

“But you are his chosen people, the King’s priests.  You are a holy nation, people who belong to God.  He chose  you to tell about the wonderful things he has done.  He brought you out of the darkness of sin into his wonderful light.  “

– 1 Peter 2:9 ERV

He has taken us from nothing to something.  From death to life.  From darkness to wonderful light.  From rejection to acceptance.  From nothing to royalty.  


Please continue to pray for my world race team as we prepare for training camp and for the race!  Please pray that we would be closer to the Lord and full of the Spirit.  Please pray that the Lord would continue to move in the details of our trip, like gear, prep, and fundraising.  Please consider supporting me through prayer and/or financial contributions.  Any amount is appreciated!  Thank you.