Its been a few days since I’ve last updated you, so I’ll catch you up with what has been happening here…


After our presentation, my team decided to return to Patong to continue our ministry in this area.
  Since there isn’t really a church to partner with, we had to search for local Christians.
  We met up with a man who’s ministry is to just cover this city in prayer.
  He walks up and down the beach (nice ministry huh?!!), and prays for the locals.
  He prays for the tourists who vacation here for the “entertainment industry.”
  These people are so lost, and are seeking a happiness that is completely destructive.
  After meeting with our friend here, he was telling us that many couples leave and end up getting a divorce.


We spent a few days with him, prayer walking the main streets.
  He took us into the “slums” and introduced us to a few Christains there.
  Sometimes, we would split up and the Lord would open many doors for us to start up a conversation with people.
  It’s hard because I can’t really post many pictures of this area.
  Most are too risky, and others would reveal the identity of local Christians.



We also met a lady who works with many of the bar girls.
  She came here four years ago and has such a compassionate heart to reveal a lasting love to them.
  It’s heartbreaking to watch them at night.
  These girls go out with little to nothing on, and have a mission to find a man for the night.
  We have been told by people that ultimately they would like to keep him for longer…maybe a week or a month, under the condition that the money continues to come in.
  As soon as it runs out, they are gone and looking for someone new.


As I was walking on the beach this morning, I couldn’t help but notice how sparkly the sand was.
  As I bent over to observe it a little more closely in my hand, I noticed this beautiful gold and silver glow to many of the particles.
  It brought me back to a song called “Refiner’s Fire.”


The song goes a little something like this…


Purify my heart…let me be as gold.
  And precious silver…

My hearts one desire…is to be….holy.

Set apart for you Lord.

I choose to be…holy…set apart for you my master.
  Ready to do your will.


Cleanse me from within…and make me holy.

Cleanse me from my sin…


I love that God has given us the magnificent beauty of His creation to reveal just a little of what we have to look forward to.
  And not only do these people need to be purified, but we do too…as Christians.
  Coming to an area like this is very challenging.
  We strived each day to be “set apart” from the other people here.
  My hearts’ desire IS to be holy, and the Lord brought us here to bring light into this darkness.
  We had to really pray about how we could do this, because you are assumed to be here for the same reason as everyone else.
  Thus, you too are being ushered into the nightclubs and offered a “good price” for the prostitution.


“God has called us to live holy lives, not impure lives.”
  1 Thessalonians 4:7


My team really aimed to dress differently.
  Although it sounds a little weird, we really stood out at night because even the tourists come out in the itty bitty’s.
  So a knee length skirt and a t-shirt definitely looks a bit odd.


  We tried to befriend the homeless, and the people who are trying to make a living by selling their goods.
  These are the ones who receive much verbal abuse from tourists…probably for being annoying.
  We spent much time talking with the hotel staff, who literally never leave the hotel.
  It was crazy how short and kind of mean the desk clerk was when we first checked in.
  After some time, we have gained his trust and built a fun relationship with him.


God has really showed me how much He loves these people.
  How desperately He wants to rescue them from living these broken lives.
  How He wants to “refine” them.
  “Cleanse them from within” and make them “holy.”
  Please continue to pray with me for the desires of their hearts to be awakened.
  That they would come to a point where they realize the happiness they are searching for is only shattering…and that they would seek after our everlasting Father, who is a stable ROCK they can depend on.


“Everything he does, reveals his glory and majesty.
  His righteousness never fails.
  He causes us to remember his wonderful works.
  How gracious and merciful is our Lord!”
     -Psalm 111:3-4


Just like the best relationships you have ever had, you need to invest everything that is inside of you to strengthen them.
  I really think God wants all that we have within us in our relationship with Him as well.
  I don’t know about you, but the thought of a God who forgives, is patient, loves unconditionally, and offers us an eternal gift of heaven…is a God that I want to invest in.


                “And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your  strength.”
            -Deuteronomy 6:5



I am challenging myself, along with you to surrender your all to Him.
  Find a new way to worship Him…and do it.
  Go the extra mile to serve those around you.
  And take the time to spend with Him in prayer.


“Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.”
   -Romans 12:10


“Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stay true to the Lord.
  I love you…for YOU are my JOY…”
  Philippians 4:1


Tomorrow morning, we will be meeting up with the other teams for a short debrief.
  From there, we will race to

Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia on the 28th.
  We then will continue on in a flight to

India on May 1st.
  I will post again when I can.


Sending much love and prayers…