this is the floating market in bangkok that you see in movies.  it was really really awesome…

and she also had her own little canoe selling fruit.  i had to take her picture because she is just the cutest thing ever.

and us before we left…

this is at a temple we visited.  the father in the background is instructing his son on how to worship buddha by placing the flaming stick in the sand pit.  after he did that, we watched him bow down to the false idol.  very sad.

i have no clue what this monk was doing, but it involved string and his toe….??

and bangkok…

this is not where we got our bugs for the race, but you can get an idea of how disgusting it was.  (those pics will come soon)


this was right before we left to go to the “red light district.” 

i was a bit apprehensive about posting this picture, and i’m sorry if it offends anyone, but it is the sad reality of what is happening.  this is the outside of a torcher chamber and i really feel God had the man standing at the door, close the gates right before we came up because our eyes weren’t prepared to see what was inside.  we had been literally pulled into every other place, and this one had the doors shut literally in our face.  but i’m grateful…

the sign outside another club…how sad.

and this was on the bus after bangkok to our new island.

our crammed bus…30 people and twice as many bags πŸ™‚

this is the island where we spent a week…(can’t mention the name..sorry)

sarah and i were prayer walking the island and found this beautiful view

a little thai girl.  the kids here are absolutely beautiful!  a little shy at first, but they love to hear you talk and see you smile.  πŸ™‚

we served the Lord in many ways…some people picked up trash and others played with the kids

a typical home on the island

this is the inside of the cave we swam through…it was unbelievable!

and our elephant ride…

this was another part of the race where we were trying to ask where we could buy the worms and locusts’.  we were trying to draw pictures of the bugs for them because they obviously didnt understand us…haha

and our pickup that we rented from 11am til 5:30 am the next morning.  kim, anita, and i rode in the back earlier that day and enjoyed a nice rain storm that lasted about 4 hours.  πŸ™‚

we went to get icecream to celebrate sarahs birthday!  i’m always checking my calendar to see when the next bday is…hehe

we had a day full of meetings and when we were finished, friske picked us all a flower, so we had to take a picture πŸ™‚

haha..this one is great.  i was so excited to find “chicken parmesian” at a restaurant.  what i didnt understand was that it meant…a “breast of chicken” and a “can of parmesian cheese”  DANG IT!  but it was still really good!  (and real chicken!)

yesterday we celebrated the thai new year with the whole country.  everything closes and its the biggest water fight i have ever imagined in my life!  everyone just literally bombs each other with ICE COLD buckets of water!  it was a ton of fun though!  i’ll post more of these pictures later.

we climbed to the top of this mountain to watch the sunset last night.  absolutely amazing.  i have more pics in my “browse my photos” so you will have to check em out!

you knew it wouldnt be a normal blog without one of these cheesy pics… πŸ™‚

and more of our group.  its such a blessing to be able to experience such amazing things with great company!

yes..its real.  He is definitely a God of wonders and a God of creation! 


this picture was taken at the same time as the one above, just a little to the left of it.  isn’t that amazing?!! 

and this picture was taken just a bit ago at our new home.  we are in southern thailand still, for a week and we have a project we are assigned to do.  my team is in another “red light district area” and we will be observing, listening, and praying about this area.  we will be giving a presentation to the rest of the group in five days to explain to them what is happening here.  i will give you more details as i know them, but please keep us in your prayers!  we will be safe, we have a large group, and will be very smart! 

i love you all so much and am grateful to be praising Him with you today!