yesterday was valentines and while i normally dont enjoy it very much, being single and all, it was a good day. when we woke up all of the girls had a red rose and something sweet by our sleeping bags. i of course got penguinos 🙂 paul and elliot had braved the guatamala street the night before and had gotten them for us while we were all watching a movie. then later that day all of the girls also got a gerber daisy and some hershey kisses from abner. kim and jessica also got us all something sweet. so i had a wonderful valentines.

around 11am laura, jessica, kim, paul and i headed up to hermano pedro to take some of the older girls out to lunch for valentines. we really had a lot of fun. we took them to a place called comperos, it is kind of like chicken e but with no okra. then they all got to have some ice cream. dick, the main volunteer, told us that these girls only get taken out about 2 a year if they are lucky. so he said that lunch was a big deal to them.  it was really a blessing to us though.

after lunch i went back and picked up sam sam and took him to the park. although he was really drugged up so he didnt want to walk. sam sam is clinically autistic and just learned to walk about a week ago. but just getting to hang out with him is so much fun. i was pretty tired though when i got done.

today jessica, kim and i took a little boy named melvin to have some ice cream. yesterday when i was hanging out with him he kept asking if he could go with me, but i couldnt take him until today. he is 5 i think and he has something wrong with his legs. he has a cast on each leg. i am not sure what is wrong. i cant really ask the nurses and none of the volunteers that i have asked know. but that is the only thing that is wrong with him. other than that he is all boy. he is so funny. he talks and talks and i just tell him i dont know what your talking about and he laughs. he really liked going to have ice cream. he got me pretty sticky with it all. and if you know me, you know i dont like that at all. but he is really cute so its ok.