i just wanted to give you all a quick update on what is going on right now. the rest of the world race team went to croatia to do debrief last monday and i stayed back in mostar. i kind of wanted to be able to say that i had actually been there. i stayed at the Bible college and there was a team from england there also working with novi most in mostar. i wasnt really sure what i was going to do…so after everyone left i went back to the room and spent some time in prayer. i asked the Lord if He would lead throughout the day and maybe to show me a possible location for the coffee shop. so i took my camara and went to go and see mostar. i walked around the part of the city with the bridge and the market. it is really beautiful. but then i really wasnt sure what to do after that. the pastor of the west church was at camp during the time that i was there so i wouldnt be able to hang out with him. but i was supposed to meet up with a girl from the church named juliana. but i had no way to call her. i returned to the Bible college and one of the leaders invited me to go with them to the klub at novi most that night. she said i could use the phone there. so i went with them and tried to call but she wasnt there. so a lady who runs the klub gave me a map of mostar and showed me where the universities were….since that is the age group that i want to work with. so on the way there i just prayed and asked the Lord to guide me. as i was walking to the university on the east side the Lord told me to look left. i looked and there was and old building. it hasnt been restored at all since the war. there is no roof or windows. but when i looked i could see where everything would be. i took lots of pictures and stayed for a while and prayed. the next day i went back and prayed some more. i looked at it and it just looked to big…like it was to big of a project and i asked the Lord..and He said…it is big…but i am big…and i do big things. i am trying to find out about the property…which is hard not being there….but please be in prayer with me about that. i dont have conformation that that is the place that He has planned…but i know that He lead me there. also…the university is right across the street. the next few days i went back and prayed over it some more and spent a lot of time walking around the city. it really is a beautiful place. i cant wait to be there permanantly.

on saturday morning i met clara at the bus station to go to split. it was very hard to leave…but i was excited to see my team again. we arrived that afternoon and the next day we got on a ferry to ancona. we are here in ancona now and we will be getting on another ferry to greece this afternoon. we are planning on staying there for a couple of days…then we are on our way to turkey.

please be in prayer for us as we travel….
