this morning we got up and went to starbucks to meet with a lady that works here. she shared with us her story and about her time here in thailand. it was really wonderful. she told us about a vision that the Lord had given her and how He showed her thailand and the things that were going on here. she came here a few years later and has been here for the past 15 months. right now she works with the women here. there is one lady that she has a very close bond with who has accepted Jesus. she told us that it will be her friends job to go in and get the bar girls out. and when she gets the girls out…she will be the one to teach them about the Lord. she told us that the thai work with the thai. she also has a vision of a place that the girls can come to live. they won’t throw the gospel down their throats…they will just love them with the love of Jesus and show them what it means to be a follower of Jesus…then they will just wait for them to ask for what it is that they have. this woman has a beautiful heart and she is so in love with the Lord. being able to sit and listen to her today was such a blessing.

sorry about the lack of pictures…my camara is broken and this computer will not let me put pictures up:(