Hi everyone. Despite my best efforts, communicating from Swaziland is very difficult. I live an hour from the nearest internet access and it is not reliable, most of the time. I hope I can stay in touch more next month from South Africa, but here are updates on my newest projects.
Here in Swazi, I am helping create a garden to grow vegetables for local children. So far, we have cleared brush from the land and a tractor is tilling the lot today. Next week, we begin planting crops. While we are planting, we will be teaching the local kids how to tend the plants once we are gone. Our goal is to create a sustainable source of nutrition for them while teaching them a skill to use for their adult lives or businesses. When I am able, I will post pictures of our progress.
I have been telling you about my plans to spend two months in Ireland after the World Race. I’m trying as much as possible to get details so I can begin collecting funding for that. I received a message today from the base directors asking me to spend six months at that base; from June to November. Please pray for me to hear clearly from God about that decision. Not only will this mean more time abroad, it will also mean raising $10,000 for expenses and extra effort to continue managing the responsibilities I have in the US. Your support in invaluable in this process.
I’ll be in touch as I am able. I hope you are all enjoying your spring time in the States. On a happy note, my birthday is on May 5 and I will be spending that day in South Africa. I’m sure I will get into some shenanigans to commemorate the occasion. As always, thanks for being on this journey with me. I couldn’t do it without you.