1.  I am the oldest Racer on R Squad.

2.  I’ve chosen to follow God’s plans for my life.  He tells me what I need to know, when I need to know it.  That’s how we roll!

3.  I am from Kentucky, but am planning on moving to Boston after the World Race.

4.  My life is unconventional and I embrace that.

5.  My favorite color is purple.

6.  I love to sing.

7.  I have degrees in media, public relations and higher education.

8.  I helped broadcast the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, Australia and the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah.

9.  I’ve travelled to 16 countries around the world, so far.

10.  I got Aretha Franklin’s autograph on the cover of my issue of Rolling Stone’s Top 100 Artists (of all time).  p.s. – Her son, Eddie, helped me get it  because she wasn’t supposed to be signing autographs that night. 


** Want to know more?  Send a question in the comments section and I’ll get back to you! **