The past couple of weeks here in the US have continued to be a roller coaster ride.  A week after I arrived home, doctors found several blood clots in my leg and lung.  I ended up spending five days in the hospital while they treated them with blood thinners and kept a close watch on me.  I am now at home and resting….and honestly, growing more eager each day to be back on the Race. 

I am so grateful for all the people who have prayed for me and continue to pray for me during this journey.  I have needed your prayers so much and God has answered them.  I found out last week that my displaced left ribs are now in contact with each other and are healing.  I don’t have to have surgery to repair them.  My injured lung continues to improve and the hematoma on my leg is shrinking.  God continues to be faithful to the promise He gave me before I began the Race: “Nothing will harm you.”  I am making a full recovery.

I have been able to see some ways that God has been honored in all this.  Over 1,000 people have read my blog comments and have heard about the miracles that God has done.  I have heard from some that God is using my story to influence their lives.  I also came in contact with a nurse during one of my hospital stays that was ministered to through my situation.  Her daughter had made plans to be a missionary, but died of a pulmonary embolism before she could fulfill her dreams.  She was only 25.  I was not trying to minister to this woman.  In fact, I was feeling pretty low and focusing on myself.  But God ministered to her in a way I can’t explain.  I guess this is what He means by being strong in my weakness.  I saw it happen and all I did was lay in a hospital bed for a few days.  I’m glad His power doesn’t depend on my capability. 

I believe I am through the worst of everything that has happened, but still need your prayers for the rest of the process.  More updates will come as I improve.  Please pray for God to finish my healing completely and bring all the details together to send me back to the World Race.