I'm sitting in the cafeteria of Mission Possible's Dobromirka retreat center blogging and watching the rain roll into town.  It's been very dry here.  There hasn't been rain for weeks.  In the absence of this precious resource, the ground has become cracked and dust rises as villagers walk in the mid-afternoon heat.  I'm grateful for the rain that is on its way. 

As I travel, I see clearly that the world is dry and thirsty for Jesus.  It begs to be refreshed and filled by Him.  His presence is like rain in a dry land.  Each ministry I get to work with on the Race is an oasis in the desert for seekers and believers alike.  During camp meetings in Slevin, Bulgarians gladly sat on the ground for six hours each day, listening and hanging on each word of the pastors preaching under a yellow circus tent.  They lived in tents without water or electricity for a week just to be refreshed in the presence of Jesus.  In Dobromirka, Sunday School teachers are gathering to learn how to build up the people in their churches.  The conference speakers are a lifeline to them.  (In Bulgaria, less than 10 percent of churches teach about having a personal relationship with Jesus.  Orthodoxy, the state-sanctioned church, considers these Christians heretics.)  Most people in America have no idea what it is like to live their faith in these circumstances.

I'm grateful for the rain rolling into Bulgaria.  I'm grateful to see Jesus moving around the globe.  The Bulgarians are grateful that my team is here to help and encourage them.  When we leave, others will eventually come; carrying on the cycle of refreshing the dry spiritual earth in this country.  God has not forgotten Bulgaria and I am so honored to be part of His plan to bring the rain here. 


**I am currently $6,150 from being fully funded for my year on the World Race.  Please go to www.adventures.org/give to help me finish this Race.