The smell of fresh fish and durian overwhelm the air as people commute from town to town with their daily goods. With every jolt and stop of the train the almost unbearable smells envelop our car… Boxes, bags and baskets of produce…people’s livelihoods, overflow the isles while their buyers sleep in the seats. My mind wonders as I watch each patron board; what time did their day start? What did they have to do to get the products they carry? You can tell by the exchanged greetings and conversations that this isn’t a first time occurrence… My mind continues, is this a daily happening? Where did they come from and, where are they going? …and are they having a good day? In this moment my heart is thankful for the train to carry them from place to place. In so many other countries, people would have to walk for miles carrying the baskets of goods on their heads or backs… I turn to peer out the window again as the jungle trees fly by…


Today I rode a train through the jungle in Malaysia… I caught myself numerous times peering into the trees, smiling. So often this smile appears without me knowing or trying. All the beauty, the creativity and love shown through His creation… Through my headphones I hear, “Your love never fails, it never gives up, it never runs out on me…it overwhelms and satisfies my soul…” TRUTH!