
So, how fun is this!? My friend Caitlin suggested I set up a bracket for March Madness as a fundraiser for Thailand! How fun and smart is that?! Then, because I don’t know much about it, my friend Chelsea helped put this together for me!  

Surround yourself with awesome people like this! I’m truly blessed by them and love that they’re in my life! 

So, without further ado, here’s my March Madness bracket info: 

• Use the link and password below to join the group (Set up a new account if you have not participated in the past)
• $10 per bracket – no cap on the number of brackets; just pay $10 for each
• In your payment on Venom designate “Thailand or Bust” in the payment notes (pay to @Jessic-Doyle)
• When creating each bracket, update your bracket name to include your first and last name so it is easily identifiable (in the case of similar names)
• Picking starts on March 17! You must have all payment in and brackets completed by tip-off of the first game (March 21 at 10am CST)
• Feel free to share with family and friends ??

(Password to join the bracket: thailand)

*50/50 pot – 50% of the total purse will go to the #1 winner and 50% goes to fund my Thailand trip (through Adventures in Missions)! 

Game time – WHOOOO!!!