Y’all! If God’s called/asked you to do something, He WILL provide! I knew He’d provide everything needed for the vision trip to Thailand but I didn’t really expect it to happen so quickly! I’m blown away! It’s been SO fun getting to share stories of the whole process with people I run into and even more fun getting to tell them how amazing my friends and family are! You are all so supportive and I’ve felt every prayer prayed and all your generously giving hearts! I’m so beyond thankful and blessed by each of you and pray that blessings overflow your life! 

Fundraising is NOT fun but I have truly seen God in everything that’s come in AND everything offered as assistance! I’ve definitely felt His love and hand in all of this and couldn’t be more thankful for all that He’s done and everyone He’s put in my life! I can’t even begin to tell you how amazing my people are! Talk about a support team!!! I seriously won the jackpot in that area! 🙂  

Thank you for praying and giving but more importantly, thank you for being part of my life! Each one of you plays an important role in my and I’m so thankful for you! _________

The countdown is on! One more week of work and 3 more weeks until I jump on a plane to Thailand!!! WOW!! It’s crazy how fast that came! GAH!!!

Love ya!
