I don’t wanna hear anymore, teach me to listen
I don’t wanna see anymore, give me a vision
That you could move this heart, to be set apart
I don’t need to recognize, the man in the mirror
And I don’t wanna trade Your plan, for something familiar
I can’t waste a day, I can’t stay the same
I wanna be different
I wanna be changed
‘Til all of me is gone
And all that remains
Is a fire so bright
The whole world can see
That there’s something different
So come and be different
In me
And I dont wanna spend my life, stuck in a pattern
And I don’t wanna gain this world but lose what matters
And so I’m giving up, everything because
I wanna be different
I wanna be changed
‘Til all of me is gone
And all that remains
Is a fire so bright
The whole world can see
That there’s something different
So come and be different; oh-oh
I know, that I am far, from perfect
But through You, the cross still says, I’m worth it
So take this beating in my heart and
Come and finish what You started
When they see me, let them see You
‘Cause I just wanna be different, ye-ey
I wanna be different
I wanna be changed
‘Til all of me is gone
And all that remains
Oh is a fire so bright
The whole world can see
That there’s something different
So come and be different
I just wanna be different
So could You be different
In me
Micah Tyler
This is one of my favorite songs. It’s one of those that hits me every time I hear it. It’s such a good reminder of what I’m living for. When I’m in a great place and loving life and this comes on the radio, I belt out every word because, truth! And when I’m in an ‘eh’ place, frustrated with where I am or what’s happening in life and this song comes on the radio, I belt out every word because, yep, truth! It’s such a good reminder that I was created for purpose and not just to live a day-in-day-out kind of life. 
How easy it is to get stuck in the day to day; the comfortable and predictable… To make decisions based on feelings and emotions because, “we have a right to feel the way we do”. But what would happen if we stepped out from that space and into something new? Where we didn’t know what the outcome was going to be or even what all of our options were. I’ve heard so many people say we should “choose to live uncomfortable lives”. That doesn’t necessarily mean we give everything up and live on nothing… But more so doing something that isn’t always the easiest, most enjoyable or even for ourselves. I think God has adventure out there for all of us (and it all looks different); He’s just waiting for us to hand our lives (and futures) over to Him.
When was the last time you felt really excited about something? Like, really excited!
Let me tell you, when He moves your heart, it’s one of the best and most exciting things in the world. And what an honor! To have the God who created everything in the universe trust you enough to move your heart for something that moves His; to love something He loves with everything He is; to set you apart, out of the billions of people in the world, for something specific… Wow! Think about that. You were created on purpose because He needed you. And He wanted you to experience a life that no one else could live. How often do we settle for what’s comfortable because we can control the outcome? Or settle for what’s easy because it doesn’t take much energy? What would happen if we stepped out from the life we were familiar with and stepped into the unknown. Not necessarily giving up everything we have but more so asking to be stretched. Whether that’s in the workplace or with family members; being put in situations where we have to say, “ok God, what do I do?” or “what should I say?“ or “where should I go?”. Giving God the reigns and allowing Him to move you where He wants. He will always position you in the best possible place to receive the blessings He has for you. We need to remember, which is sometimes hard to do, that He really does have our best interest at heart. He is for us and wants us to succeed. Sure there are trials (and for real tribulations) but He puts those in our paths to strengthen us for what’s coming. There’s that saying that seems to be everywhere, “God won’t give you more than you can handle”. Well, I think He sometimes give us more than we [think we can] handle so we’ll turn to Him more. Not in a manipulative way but in a loving Father type of way. He wants to be there for us; to be the one we turn to when we don’t know what to do. And to provide for us in ways we can’t provide for ourselves. Just like the song says, ‘He’s a good good Father’. 
Maybe you needed to hear this or maybe it annoys you to read it…I just know that I needed to write it out and read it several times. This song makes me think about where I want to be and where I am; that the only way for me to be different or for life to be different, is for me to be willing to give Him everything (wants, desires, hopes, fears, comforts, etc) and say, “ok God, I give it all back to you [again], have Your way”.