While we stopped to take some picture in the beautiful Yosemite National Park. We notice a funny smell coming from our van (World Race 1) Dosson and I (Jess) popped the hood to take a look. While we were checking, a man approached asking if we needed help. He proceeded to help, check the oil etc. We noticed an accent right away, and as we made conversation ask his name, it was John. John is from Australia, visiting California for the first time. He ask about the logo on the van. Dosson shared about the race, and John was encouraged by what we were doing. Carolyn joined us and started asking him so more question about faith and spirituality. He shared that he was spiritual and sort of searching, and admitted to having a lack of faith. He had some friends back home that have invited him to church before. Dosson encouraged him about how everyone is on their own journey with God, and that he can encounter Gods love at any time. Before we parted ways, we ask if we could pray for him and he said yes, but he was a little shy to have us pray in that moment.

Please pray for John that he will keep Encountering God in many ways, that he will have a safe trip in California and a safe return to Australia.

God is after the one, you are the one, John is the one, the next person you meet is the one! It brings me joy as a daughter, a Christian to help connect people to Jesus! To listen, to encourage and to sometimes challenge Gods children.

I get excited when we can be a vessel to reach out and offer encouragement and gently awaken the spirit inside of all of Gods children.