I’m loving getting to know these brothers and sisters from Squad

A. We (Youell, Meagan, Tim and I) are living on the cramped third floor of a house, sharing one bathroom and two small bedrooms with Team Yeti and Team Salt. 20+ people in attendance and we’re working it out. Jon is sleeping on the roof tonight so he doesn’t wake up in a pool of sweat. Morgan is brainstorming ways to decorate our room to make it look pretty. She just turned to me randomly and said, “Christmas lights. We need Christmas lights.” Talia and Meagan are leading the campaign to buy a coffee maker. Only two bucks a person and we can get away from Instant NesCafe for a bit.

Right now, half of the house is out watching Joe Dirt on someone’s laptop. This is good. It feels like college all over again, yet we don’t have to write papers or study for tests. Instead, we do ministry together.

Over and over again this past month, I’ve felt like I’ve unknowingly enrolled in Marriage101. We’re all kinda stuck together for better or for worse. We’re learning

how to communicate with one another effectively, push each other towards Christ and genuinely love one another. Morgan said something profound last night and I’ve been chewing on it since. She said, “I don’t just want to live together as cohabitants, I want real community.” She was expressing how she wants us to love living together this next month and not just co-exist. Everyone in the house seems game to have a little playtime too. Some have already started planning activities we can do together to refresh ourselves between ministry days.

When we first arrived at the church here in Peru AIM’s Peru base leader, Bob Cooley, challenged us all with the scripture Exodus 33:12-18. The part that stuck out to me the most was verse 16 “How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us?” As we prayed together last night as a household, 3 or 4 people a

ll prayed for our relationships with one another – that we would truly love one another and learn how to encourage one another and so on. Lyrics to one of my favorite Jason Upton songs kept running through my head. He sings, “They will know us by our love…”.

Believers. They will know us believers, we followers of Jesus Christ by our love for one another. Some of the strongest evangelism ministry is the unspoken. The daily life of a servant overflowing with the love of the Father and that in turn spilling out onto the people around them speaks more loudly than a fired-up southern Baptist preacher spitting brimstone and fire on any given Sunday morning. It’s like what St. Francis of Assisi said:

Preach the Gospel

always, and when

necessary use words“ It brings the simple form of glorifying God in being oneself into application.

Sunday night the whole squad was asked to take over the church service. With little more than 24 hours notice, they put together a PHENOMENAL service! They threw together a worship band – yes, band –

and they rocked! What was even cooler about it was that each team was represented. Meagan and Youell from Revolution, Ginger and BriEllyn from Yetti, Jimmy from Team 61, James from Salt and Joy from Team L.O. Jonathon Hiebert preached a sermon that left most the congregation doubled over in laughter. Ryan Stewart, Becca and Katie all got up and gave moving testimonies of what the Lord has been doing in them lately. I am absolutely amazed at these teams! They are motivated and excited to grow in the Lord and they are jumping at opportunities to use the talents God has given them.

I am so blessed to be able to dive into the lives of these people – these world changers. Father, unite us. Make us one Jesus so that others may see You in us. Make our love contagious and magnetic that others will be drawn to it and unto You! Bind our hearts together and show us how to truly love… with reckless abandon.

*Photos courtesy of Tim Weisemann