We got an email from the office, encouraging us to wrap up the race with a blog… The question is relatively unassuming, but as I started to reflect, it became increasingly intimidating. Of course my life has changed over the course of the last two years. Anyone who knew me before could probably see the difference. But how am I supposed to talk about it? All of the fears start to creep back in… Fears of not being able to capture this year in a nutshell, all of my growth and experiences. Fears of feeling lonely and being misunderstood. I felt some of those things returning home the first time, and now I have 3x the experiences. So although some of those fears are founded, I have had time during final debrief to reflect on what God has done. So here is my first attempt at articulating the significance of my time on the World Race.
I remember a man in Indonesia asking us why we took the ferry (5x longer) when we could just fly for very cheap. He said something profound, that I will never forget. “Well, I guess you can either spend your time or spend your money.” I am starting to see my time as a commodity, just as valuable as all the money in the world. I’ve slowed down some, since I started back in 2020. I’m not sure if I have acquired extra doses of patience or if I decided somewhere along the way that its not worth it… Don’t get me wrong, I still have the same inner drive and I probably still stress about things that don’t really matter. But more and more I find myself taking the longer route, wondering what’s the rush, planning space to wander and explore. And I always find people along the way.
God has blown my mind. In the ways he answers prayers, reveals himself, brings healing, draws people to himself and changes them from the inside out. I started the race with a small perspective of who God was, I had just a narrow glimpse. I knew there was more, and I wanted to discover it. Boy did he show up.. I decided to start believing He is who he says he is and acting on it, and it changed my life. My expectations of God are bigger than they used to be because I saw what he could do. The result? I now pray bigger prayers because I serve a big God!
I always felt most alive when I’m in Algonquin, Canada. I have been asking myself for years how to bring that sense of freedom home with me; how to feel fully alive and find the space to be myself. I have been able to tap into some of that freedom this year, and it’s refreshing. I think by nature the Race stripped back enough of the “normal” and created a beautiful space for me. In Guatemala, God whispered the words “wild and free” over my identity. It’s who he made me to be. Some day’s I forget or get it all mixed up. But I’ve had more clarity on who I am, than I’ve had in a long time.
I find the diversity of this squad stunning. People from all over the country, different backgrounds and families, all came together and chose each other. We have different languages, preferences, convictions. And what unites us is Jesus. I was explaining this to a Jewish couple that I met in the hostel and it was fascinating to him. His response to me was powerful. “I wish I saw more of that in Israel. Everyone is happy to be divided.” The truth is, I wish we saw more of that in America too… This year, I have watched as we successfully break down barriers that create space between us and come together on what is important. We have maintained unity through the bond of the Holy Spirit within us. We have learned from one another. We have dared to do what I think others are afraid of… And let me tell you. IT’S WORTH IT!!!