This week was a 3-for-1 deal on Beauty for Ashes. We did a total of three “events” this week, but technically only the first one was planned – the last two were a bit impromptu.
Beauty for Ashes is a curriculum for women’s outreach that a few of the girls on the squad learned at Training Camp. The curriculum incorporates not only scripture and teaching, but also activities to engage each woman personally in her faith, space to share their thoughts and hear the testimony of others, and fun ideas to break the ice. Honestly, it’s so simple, but always seems to cultivate authenticity and vulnerability.
BFA #1: Loma de la Bestia
We had visited Loma last week for a church service. It’s probably a 30 minute drive outside of town into the mountains. They shared with us an incredible story of transformation from darkness to light. They also do weekly Bible study with the people from the church, so we headed back on Monday to meet with the ladies. I think we had six women join us; we had met most of them at church last week.
We opened with some worship songs, then jumped right into the passage we would be teaching from, Matthew 16:13-18. We started with the topic “View of God”; if we have the chance to go back, we might move into something more in depth, like Forgiveness or Grief, but starting with view of God helps us to get a glimpse of where they’re at in their faith and know how to follow up. Abbey shared a quick testimony, and then I dug deeper into the passage. Jesus asks Peter, “Who do YOU say that I am?” We know that probably felt like a rhetorical question – after all the disciples have followed Jesus for almost 3 years. But Jesus wanted to take Peter into a deeper understanding of who he was and give Peter a greater understanding of his own identity and influence.
The women took some time to consider the questions, “Who is God to me? What do I believe about Him? How do I think he views me?” They had a chance to draw what first came to mind. I like this exercise for a few reasons. We have used it in communities with low literacy; it gives women a chance to engage who maybe can’t read or write. Having them draw something allows their answer to be simple. It’s not overly complicated, it is boiled down to it’s simplest form. It is also a form of expression; sometimes it’s easier to transition into sharing, because they’ve already started expressing themselves.
I am always amazed how effective this approach is. When we asked the women if they wanted to share they were eager. We got to see deep faith in hard times, an understanding of the heart of a Father, but also honesty in the journey towards God.
One woman drew a picture of a staircase. She had hardship and pain at the bottom and God waiting at the top. She placed herself about half way and explained how God had given her strength to climb out of a really hard place, but it was an uphill battle. She felt like she was only 50% of the way to God, but every day she’s getting stronger.
They are an incredible group of women; my prayer is that we will be an avenue of deeper intimacy with both God and the community around them in our time here.
This was the only Beauty for Ashes we planned on doing this week. As I was writing about each of the experiences, the words started flowing – I couldn’t fit all 3 stories in one blog! Keep reading my next blogs to hear more about the two that followed!!!