PSA: I’m moving to Ohio! 

God has been doing BIG things in my heart and putting new and exciting opportunities in my path that I wanted to share with you! It is hard to believe that I have been living in Pennsylvania for the past 6 years. I moved down here in 2013 to pursue my education at Clarks Summit University. As I was finishing my bachelor’s degree, I was offered a job at CSU in the Office of Student Development and I’ve been here ever since.

From the start, I’ve known this was meant to be a season – I wasn’t going to stay in Clarks Summit long-term. I just never knew when the season was going to come to a close, so I’ve been waiting for God’s direction once again. And again, He is faithful.

About a month and a half ago, I was sharing with a friend some of what God has been doing in my life. She inquired about what I was planning on doing until I leave for the World Race in January. I know it makes a lot of sense for me to continue working at CSU and stay in that area. But I couldn’t get over the fact that the reason I even considered the World Race in the first place was because I thought it was time to go. I had tentatively set May as the month I would transition. But it was now March, and I still had no clue what I was doing! I chose to fix my eyes on Jesus and continue moving forward, step by step, in faith. And let me tell you, God is so good! 

A week after that conversation, God provided not only a new opportunity to explore, but an offer to seriously consider. I was invited out to the Cleveland (OH) area to work with Cuyahoga Valley Church, from May until I leave in January. I had been out there in November to visit a few friends who were working with CVC, and it was an incredible experience. Even from the short time I was there, it was evident that the church is healthy and thriving! I had been considering what it would look like for my gifts and abilities to be used in a bigger way in a church context, and CVC was totally a place I could envision doing that. As I was considering this offer, I realized I had no reason not to go! This was an open opportunity to learn and grow in a new environment, in an area I had been considering for a while. So this weekend, I packed up my life and moved to Ohio!!!


My Role at CVC

Since I have not started my internship yet, it’s hard to tell you exactly what I will be doing. I am sure in the next few weeks my role will be much more clear. But here’s what I do know! I will be involved in Collide and Impact, the middle and high school ministries at the church, working along side my friend Lauren Shepherd and the Youth Pastor, Joe Valenti. I hope that in the few months that I am there I can gain insight about life and ministry in a church setting, and continue to learn and grown in so many new ways. I also hope that the passion for discipleship that God has given me, and the ways he has worked in my life up to this point can be used for God’s glory and to further His kingdom in the Cleveland area. 

Hard Goodbyes

The past two weeks have been bittersweet for me… a mix of emotions. I am moving forward into many unknowns, but God’s direction is clear, so I am able to walk forward with confidence. I’m excited for the next chapter and all that God has waiting for me!! But it was hard to say goodbye. I thought I was ready to go, and I was surprised by how difficult it was to leave. There have been many goodbyes over the years, so I am accustomed to how people come and go; goodbyes are a part of life. However, I have always seem to be the one who stays. 

Now that it’s my turn to go, I realized how thankful I am for everything I am leaving behind; for all the people who have invested in my life and helped me become who I am today. I am thankful for my friends, for the crazy adventures, the depth of relationships and encouragement as we were learning and growing together. I’m thankful for my adopted family who graciously welcomed me into their home and loved me like their daughter.  For the community that I found in my church family, for how refreshing and real those relationships were. I’m thankful for my mentors, who put the work in and know me better than anyone, who modeled walking with Jesus, who have shared valuable advice and wisdom, who challenge me, and who I have learned so much from. I’m thankful for the team I worked with who made it a joy to go to work each day, that modeled the beauty of collaboration and commitment. And for my boss, who filled all of those roles at various times, who modeled leadership, who was completely invested in and committed to my development, who believed in me and gave me opportunities to learn and grow, who was an example of grace and love. God has used each one of these relationships in formative ways in my life. I hope they know how dearly loved they are and how much they will be missed. 

As I reflect, I’ve realized how full this this past season has been. My only response is an offering of praise to a God who provides for all of my needs! I am looking forward to what He is going to do next! 

 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”  Proverbs 3:5-6